the capacity for vigorous activity
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 35 answers to crossword clue "the capacity for vigorous activity"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
energythe capacity for vigorous activity
dynamismThe quality of being characterized by vigorous activity and progress
coolto bring the body back to its normal physiological level after fast, vigorous exercise or activity by gradually slowing the pace of activity or by doing gentle exercises or stretches
syndicalismA movement for transferring the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution to workers' unions. Influenced by Proudhon and by the French social philosopher Georges Sorel (1847รป1922), syndicalism developed in French labor unions during the late 19th century and was at its most vigorous between 1900 and 1914, particularly in France, Italy, Spain, and the U.S
endurancethe capacity for enduring
ensilabilitythe capacity for being ensiled
hatchabilitythe capacity for being hatched
brushabilitythe capacity for being brushed
mentalitiesThe capacity for intelligent thought
endurancesENDURANCE, the capacity for enduring
mentalityThe capacity for intelligent thought
sinterabilitythe capacity for being sintered
ensilabilitiesENSILABILITY, the capacity for being ensiled
brushabilitiesBRUSHABILITY, the capacity for being brushed
sinterabilitiesSINTERABILITY, the capacity for being sintered
hatchabilitiesHATCHABILITY, the capacity for being hatched
capablehaving the ability or capacity for
patienthaving or showing the capacity for endurance
atmometeran instrument for measuring the evaporating capacity of air
connectivityCapacity for the interconnection of platforms, systems, and applications
INTELLECTSMinds with the capacity for higher forms of knowledge.
respirometersAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
atmometersATMOMETER, an instrument for measuring the evaporating capacity of air
spirometerAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
spirometersAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
respirometerAn instrument for measuring the air capacity of the lungs
petrifyDeprive or become deprived of vitality or the capacity for change
petrifiesDeprive or become deprived of vitality or the capacity for change
petrifyingDeprive or become deprived of vitality or the capacity for change
definitionsThe capacity of an instrument or device for making images distinct in outline
definitionThe capacity of an instrument or device for making images distinct in outline
broadbandOf or using signals over a wide range of frequencies in high-capacity telecommunications, esp. as used for access to the Internet
soupto improve the capacity for speed or increase the efficiency of (a motor or engine) by increasing the richness of the fuel mixture or the efficiency of the fuel, or by adjusting the engine
manlikebipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinguished especially by notable development of the brain with a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning, is usually considered to form a variable number of freely interbreeding races, and is the sole living representative of the hominid family
mansbipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinguished especially by notable development of the brain with a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning, is usually considered to form a variable number of freely interbreeding races, and is the sole living representative of the hominid family