the official residence of a sovereign
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 21 answers to crossword clue "the official residence of a sovereign"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
palacethe official residence of a sovereign
PALACEOfficial residence of a sovereign.
thronethe official chair of a sovereign, bishop, etc.
thronesthe official chair of a sovereign, bishop, etc.
tabardsA herald's official coat emblazoned with the arms of the sovereign
chancelleriesThe official residence of a chancellor
chancelleryThe official residence of a chancellor
legationsThe official residence of a diplomatic minister
yamunthe residence of a Chinese official, also YAMEN
yamenthe residence of a Chinese official, also YAMUN
prefectureThe official residence or headquarters of a prefect
prefecturesThe official residence or headquarters of a prefect
yamunsYAMUN, the residence of a Chinese official, also YAMEN
yamensYAMEN, the residence of a Chinese official, also YAMUN
yamen(in the Chinese Empire) the residence or office of a public official
prefecturethe office, position, or jurisdiction of a prefect; also, his official residence
yamens(in the Chinese Empire) the residence or office of a public official
prefecturesPREFECTURE, the office, position, or jurisdiction of a prefect; also, his official residence
palacesthe official residence of a chief of state (as a monarch or a president)
residencythe official abode of a resident or governor of a protected state also RESIANCE, RESIDENCE
residenciesRESIDENCY, the official abode of a resident or governor of a protected state also RESIANCE, RESIDENCE