to deprive of a husband
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "to deprive of a husband"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
widowto deprive of a husband
widowedWIDOW, to deprive of a husband
widowingWIDOW, to deprive of a husband
disprivilegeto deprive of a privilege
dishelmto deprive of a helmet
dishometo deprive of a home
dishelmto deprive of a helmet
disgarrisonto deprive of a garrison
untenantto deprive of a tenant
unqueento deprive of a queen
unwiveto deprive of a wife
unkingto deprive of a king
uncrownto deprive of a crown
discrownto deprive of a crown
disenfranchiseto deprive of a franchise
uncoltto deprive of a horse
unqueensUNQUEEN, to deprive of a queen
disprivilegedDISPRIVILEGE, to deprive of a privilege
untenantedUNTENANT, to deprive of a tenant
discrowningDISCROWN, to deprive of a crown
disprivilegesDISPRIVILEGE, to deprive of a privilege
dishomesDISHOME, to deprive of a home
unhouseto deprive of a protective shelter
discommission(Milton) to deprive of a commission
disgarrisoningDISGARRISON, to deprive of a garrison
unfeudaliseto deprive of a feudal character
untenantingUNTENANT, to deprive of a tenant
unqueeningUNQUEEN, to deprive of a queen
dishelmingDISHELM, to deprive of a helmet
disgarrisonsDISGARRISON, to deprive of a garrison
demilitarizeto deprive of a military character
uncoltsUNCOLT, to deprive of a horse
uncrowningUNCROWN, to deprive of a crown
uncrownsUNCROWN, to deprive of a crown
unwivedUNWIVE, to deprive of a wife
uncoltedUNCOLT, to deprive of a horse
dishelmedDISHELM, to deprive of a helmet
disprivilegingDISPRIVILEGE, to deprive of a privilege
uncoltingUNCOLT, to deprive of a horse
dishomingDISHOME, to deprive of a home