to estimate
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "to estimate"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
regaugeto estimate
gaugedto estimate
gaugeto estimate
gaugesto estimate
GUESSATTry to estimate
setto consider; estimate
estimatesESTIMATE, to calculate
deemingto think; estimate
estimatedESTIMATE, to calculate
deemto think; estimate
misestimateto estimate wrongly
reestimateto estimate again
budgetto estimate expenses
deemedto think; estimate
deemsto think; estimate
estimatingESTIMATE, to calculate
reestimatingREESTIMATE, to estimate again
reestimatedREESTIMATE, to estimate again
misestimatedMISESTIMATE, to estimate wrongly
assessto estimate (to calculate)
reestimatesREESTIMATE, to estimate again
misestimatingMISESTIMATE, to estimate wrongly
budgetsBUDGET, to estimate expenses
judgeto estimate (to calculate)
misestimatesMISESTIMATE, to estimate wrongly
foreweigh(archaic) to estimate beforehand
budgetedBUDGET, to estimate expenses
forecastto estimate in advance
overestimateto estimate too high
TIMESENSEAbility to estimate short intervals.
GUESSATTry to answer or estimate
judgesJUDGE, to estimate (to calculate)
foreweighsFOREWEIGH, (archaic) to estimate beforehand
outvalueto estimate the worth of
mismeasureto measure or estimate incorrectly
rateto estimate the value of
evaluateto estimate the value of
forecastsFORECAST, to estimate in advance
valuingto estimate the worth of
assessedASSESS, to estimate (to calculate)