to state definitely as a proposition
Crossword Clue

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AnswerCrossword Clue
enounceto state definitely, as a proposition
enouncedto state definitely, as a proposition
enouncesto state definitely, as a proposition
PIESReduces to a state of confusion, as type.
unplaitsto alter from a plaited state; unbraid, as hair
unplaitto alter from a plaited state; unbraid, as hair
ALABAMAFirst state to legalize Christmas as a holiday (1836)
coughto blurt out; state, as by way of making a confession
wayin a state or condition so as not to obstruct or hinder
liveto function as a living thing / having life (the state of functional activity)
instatedto put or place in a certain state or position, as in an office; install
psychedelicrelating to a state of heightened perception also PSYCHODELIC / a psychedelic drug, such as LSD
instateto put or place in a certain state or position, as in an office; install
congealedto change from a fluid to a solid state by or as if by cold
tributesPayment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, esp. as a sign of dependence
essivenoting a case, as in Finnish, whose distinctive function is to indicate a state of being
unfurlto spread or shake out from a furled state, as a sail or a flag; unfold
representation(in some theories of perception) A mental state or concept regarded as corresponding to a thing perceived
embassagesA body of people sent as a deputation to or on behalf of a head of state
representations(in some theories of perception) A mental state or concept regarded as corresponding to a thing perceived
tidallypendent (as to the time of arrival or departure) upon the state of the tide a tidal steamer
estivateto spend a hot, dry season in an inactive, dormant state, as certain reptiles, snails, insects, and small mammals
gerrymanderto divide (a state, county, etc.) into voting districts so as to give one group or area an unequal advantage
tamelyreduced from a state of native wildness especially so as to be tractable and useful to humans domesticated tame animals
ated as a function word to indicate situation in an active or passive state or condition at liberty at rest
accruecome as a direct result of some state or action rewards due to the feminine will accrue to me Germaine Greer
odiumthe state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
accruedcome as a direct result of some state or action rewards due to the feminine will accrue to me Germaine Greer
nonstativea verb describing an action rather than a state, as for example throw or thank as opposed to know or hate
fullness(of a person's body or part of it) The state of being filled out so as to produce a rounded shape
vibrationsA person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others
vibrationA person's emotional state, the atmosphere of a place, or the associations of an object, as communicated to and felt by others
nonstativesNONSTATIVE, a verb describing an action rather than a state, as for example throw or thank as opposed to know or hate
revanchethe policy of a state intent on regaining areas of its original territory that have been lost to other states as a result of war, a treaty signed under duress, etc.
thermoremanentrelating to magnetic remanence (as in a rock cooled from a molten state or in a baked clay object containing magnetic minerals) that indicates the strength and direction of the earth's magnetic field at a former time
integrationThe process by which a well-balanced psyche becomes whole as the developing ego organizes the id, and the state that results or that treatment seeks to create or restore by countering the fragmenting effect of defense mechanisms
integrationsThe process by which a well-balanced psyche becomes whole as the developing ego organizes the id, and the state that results or that treatment seeks to create or restore by countering the fragmenting effect of defense mechanisms
escheatthe reverting of property to the state or some agency of the state, or, as in England, to the lord of the fee or to the crown, when there is a failure of persons legally qualified to inherit or to claim
shamansA person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits, esp. among some peoples of northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing