to support with a truss
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "to support with a truss"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
trussto support with a truss
trussedto support with a truss
trussingSupport (a roof, bridge, or other structure) with a truss or trusses
stakedto support with a stake
splintto brace with a support
propsto support with a prop
staketo support with a stake
splintingSPLINT, to brace with a support
splintedSPLINT, to brace with a support
splintsSPLINT, to brace with a support
trigsto support or prop, as with a wedge
trigto support or prop, as with a wedge
triggedto support or prop, as with a wedge
shoredto prop or support with a post or beam
shoringto prop or support with a post or beam
shoresto prop or support with a post or beam
shoreto prop or support with a post or beam
garteredto support with or as if with a garter
cleatsto supply or support with a cleat or cleats
bracketsA shelf fixed with such a support to a wall
undergirtto give fundamental support; provide with a sound or secure basis
splintedto support and immobilize (as a broken bone) with a splint
unalignedNot allied with or giving support to a particular organization or cause
stickto support with slender pieces of wood / to pierce with a pointed object
incubatorsA place, esp. with support staff and equipment, made available at low rent to new small businesses
incubatorA place, esp. with support staff and equipment, made available at low rent to new small businesses
disaffectionA state or feeling of being dissatisfied with the people in authority and no longer willing to support them
pillowsA rectangular cloth bag stuffed with feathers, foam rubber, or other soft materials, used to support the head when lying down
sticksA long piece of wood used for support in walking or as a weapon with which to hit someone or something
thigmotropismthe response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, eg a creeping plant that twines itself around a support
thigmotropismsTHIGMOTROPISM, the response of an organism to direct contact with a surface, eg a creeping plant that twines itself around a support
footstocka slidable casting mounted on a lathe, aligned with the headstock, used to support the free end of the piece being worked on
footstocksFOOTSTOCK, a slidable casting mounted on a lathe, aligned with the headstock, used to support the free end of the piece being worked on
tailstocksTAILSTOCK, a slidable casting mounted on a lathe, aligned with the headstock, used to support the free end of the piece being worked on
mahlstickA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
mahlsticksA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
maulsticksA light stick with a padded leather ball at one end, held against work by a painter or signwriter to support and steady the brush hand
stirrupsEach of a pair of devices attached to each side of a horse's saddle, in the form of a loop with a flat base to support the rider's foot
stirrupEach of a pair of devices attached to each side of a horse's saddle, in the form of a loop with a flat base to support the rider's foot
stakesA strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a tree, form part of a fence, act as a boundary mark, etc