to which or whatever place
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 28 answers to crossword clue "to which or whatever place"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
whitherto which or whatever place
potlucksUsed in reference to a situation in which one must take a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable
whereverIn or to whatever place (emphasizing a lack of restriction)
lookingMove around (a place or building) in order to view whatever it might contain that is of interest
lookedMove around (a place or building) in order to view whatever it might contain that is of interest
habitationA place in which to live; a house or home
lookoutsA place from which to keep watch or view landscape
habitationsA place in which to live; a house or home
moveto begin to occupy a place in which to live or work
destinationThe place to which someone or something is going or being sent
destinationsThe place to which someone or something is going or being sent
crucibleA place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new
cruciblesA place or situation in which different elements interact to produce something new
corneringForce (a person or animal) into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape
inessivenoting a case, as in Finnish, whose distinctive function is to indicate place in or within which
illativenoting a case, as in Finnish, whose distinctive function is to indicate place into or toward which
wellheadnoting or pertaining to petroleum, natural gas, etc., at the place and time at which it leaves the ground
architectureThe style in which a building is designed or constructed, esp. with regard to a specific period, place, or culture
architecturesThe style in which a building is designed or constructed, esp. with regard to a specific period, place, or culture
transmigrantperson passing through a country or place on the way to another place in which he or she intends to settle
spendingUsed to show the activity in which someone is engaged or the place where they are living over a period of time
signingAn event in a bookstore or other place at which an author signs a number of books to gain publicity and sales
adoptiveDenoting a country or city to which a person has moved and in which they have chosen to make their permanent place of residence
zugzwang(German) a situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move / to place in zugzwang
quarantinesA state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
quarantineA state, period, or place of isolation in which people or animals that have arrived from elsewhere or been exposed to infectious or contagious disease are placed
glassdevice used to correct defects of vision or to protect the eyes that consists typically of a pair of glass or plastic lenses and the frame by which they are held in place called also eyeglasses spectacles
oned as a function word to indicate a time frame during which something takes place a parade on Sunday or an instant, action, or occurrence when something begins or is done on cue on arriving home, I found your letter news on the hour cash on delivery