Accent in the pantry?
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Accent in the pantry?"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
MSGAccent in the supermarket?
MSGAccent in the pantry?
broguean Irish accent in the pronunciation of English.
burringSpeak with an accent in which the sound r is trilled
proparoxytonein ancient Greek, a word having the acute accent on the third last syllable
flamdrumbeat consisting of two notes in quick succession, with the accent on the second
flamsdrumbeat consisting of two notes in quick succession, with the accent on the second
proparoxytonesPROPAROXYTONE, in ancient Greek, a word having the acute accent on the third last syllable
proclitic(of a word) closely connected in pronunciation with the following word and not having an independent accent.
backbeatA strong accent on one of the normally unaccented beats of the bar, used esp. in jazz and popular music
backbeatsA strong accent on one of the normally unaccented beats of the bar, used esp. in jazz and popular music
diacriticsA sign, such as an accent or cedilla, which when written above or below a letter indicates a difference in pronunciation from the same letter when unmarked or differently marked
CONTRADICTIONAccent once heard in Managua?
ESTEEPerfume with an accent in its name
HYUNDAISYSTEMEngine in an Accent or a Sonata?
PELESports star with an accent in his name
BEYONCEMusic star with an accent in her name
ESLAccent reduction may be a subj. in it
charideecharity as pronounced in a mid-Atlantic accent
laydeezladies as pronounced in a mid-Atlantic accent
charideesCHARIDEE, charity as pronounced in a mid-Atlantic accent
orthotonictaking an accent in certain positions but not in others also ORTHOTONE
orthotonetaking an accent in certain positions but not in others / an orthotone word also ORTHOTONIC
syncopationa shift of accent in a musical passage that occurs when a normally weak beat is stressed
syncopationsSYNCOPATION, a shift of accent in a musical passage that occurs when a normally weak beat is stressed
clitic(of a word) functioning as a bound form; closely connected in pronunciation with a preceding or following word and not having an independent accent or phonological status
clitics(of a word) functioning as a bound form; closely connected in pronunciation with a preceding or following word and not having an independent accent or phonological status
SYNCOPATEAccent the off-beats
accentualitythe quality of having an accent
broguerythe use of an Irish accent
SYNCOPATEPut the accent on the weak beat
JEBBFine British accent at the U. N.
BEBOPJazz with an accent on the upbeat.
accentualitiesACCENTUALITY, the quality of having an accent
acuterthe variety indicated by an acute accent
gravelythe variety indicated by a grave accent
brogueriesBROGUERY, the use of an Irish accent
gravestthe variety indicated by a grave accent
PREGOBrand name with an accent at the end
perispomenonhaving a circumflex accent on the final syllable