Fixed as by pressure
Crossword Clue

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PRINTEDFixed as by pressure.
washersA small flat ring made of metal, rubber, or plastic fixed under a nut or the head of a bolt to spread the pressure when tightened or between two joining surfaces as a spacer or seal
warpedmove (as a ship) by hauling on a line attached to a fixed object
waistlinea line thought of as marking the waist, but not fixed by anatomy in women's fashions
deviationsThe amount by which a single measurement differs from a fixed value such as the mean
waistlinesWAISTLINE, a line thought of as marking the waist, but not fixed by anatomy in women's fashions
helicoidwarped surface generated by a straight line moving so as to cut or touch a fixed helix
binomialA noun phrase with two heads joined by a conjunction, in which the order is relatively fixed (as in knife and fork)
binomialsA noun phrase with two heads joined by a conjunction, in which the order is relatively fixed (as in knife and fork)
hieraticnoting or pertaining to certain styles in art in which the representations or methods are fixed by or as if by religious tradition
trochoidthe curve generated by a point on the radius of a circle or the radius extended as the circle rolls on a fixed straight line
polypsa sedentary type of animal form characterized by a more or less fixed base, columnar body, and free end with mouth and tentacles, esp. as applied to coelenterates
polypa sedentary type of animal form characterized by a more or less fixed base, columnar body, and free end with mouth and tentacles, esp. as applied to coelenterates
mezuzota small parchment scroll inscribed with Deuteronomy 64û9 and 1113û21 and the name Shaddai and placed in a case fixed to the doorpost by some Jewish families as a sign and reminder of their faith
skateboardsA short narrow board with two small wheels fixed to the bottom of either end, on which (as a recreation or sport) a person can ride in a standing or crouching position, propelling themselves by occasionally pushing one foot against the ground
skateboardA short narrow board with two small wheels fixed to the bottom of either end, on which (as a recreation or sport) a person can ride in a standing or crouching position, propelling themselves by occasionally pushing one foot against the ground
skibobwinter-sport vehicle for riding downhill over snow, often used at mountain resorts, that runs on a fixed ski and has a much shorter, pivoting front ski steered by handlebars, with the rider sitting as on a bicycle and usually wearing miniskis to assist in
phosphenea visual sensation produced by mechanical stimulation of the retina, as by pressure on the eyeball
phosphenesPHOSPHENE, a visual sensation produced by mechanical stimulation of the retina, as by pressure on the eyeball
pulpssoft mass of vegetable matter (as of apples) from which most of the water has been extracted by pressure
draftersstay close behind (another racer) so as to take advantage of the reduced air pressure created by the leading racer
deaerateto remove bubbles from (a liquid, as boiler feedwater), as by mechanical agitation in a vacuum or by heating at atmospheric pressure
plethysmographsAn instrument for recording and measuring variation in the volume of a part of the body, esp. as caused by changes in blood pressure
plethysmographAn instrument for recording and measuring variation in the volume of a part of the body, esp. as caused by changes in blood pressure
impelto urge or drive forward or on by or as if by the exertion of strong moral pressure force felt impelled to correct the misconception
solionslow-frequency amplifying device that operates by controlling the flow of ions in solution: some types, as the micropump, accomplish this by means of electro-osmotic pressure
solionlow-frequency amplifying device that operates by controlling the flow of ions in solution: some types, as the micropump, accomplish this by means of electro-osmotic pressure
vasovagalRelating to or denoting a temporary fall in blood pressure, with pallor, fainting, sweating, and nausea, caused by overactivity of the vagus nerve, esp. as a result of stress
norepinephrineA hormone that is released by the adrenal medulla and by the sympathetic nerves and functions as a neurotransmitter. It is also used as a drug to raise blood pressure
gradientsrate of change with respect to direction of a variable quantity, as temperature or pressure, represented by a curve or vector whose coordinates are the partial derivatives of the quantity's associated function
eductordevice for inducing a flow of a fluid from a chamber or vessel by using the pressure of a jet of water, air, steam, etc., to create a partial vacuum in such a way as to entrain the fluid to be removed
ejectorsdevice for inducing a flow of a fluid from a chamber or vessel by using the pressure of a jet of water, air, steam, etc., to create a partial vacuum in such a way as to entrain the fluid to be removed
ejectordevice for inducing a flow of a fluid from a chamber or vessel by using the pressure of a jet of water, air, steam, etc., to create a partial vacuum in such a way as to entrain the fluid to be removed
eductorsdevice for inducing a flow of a fluid from a chamber or vessel by using the pressure of a jet of water, air, steam, etc., to create a partial vacuum in such a way as to entrain the fluid to be removed
aneroiddevice for measuring atmospheric pressure, often specially calibrated for use as an altimeter, consisting of a box or chamber partially exhausted of air, having an elastic top and a pointer to indicate the degree of compression of the top caused by the ex
aneroidsdevice for measuring atmospheric pressure, often specially calibrated for use as an altimeter, consisting of a box or chamber partially exhausted of air, having an elastic top and a pointer to indicate the degree of compression of the top caused by the ex
turbosany of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and e
turboany of various machines having a rotor, usually with vanes or blades, driven by the pressure, momentum, or reactive thrust of a moving fluid, as steam, water, hot gases, or air, either occurring in the form of free jets or as a fluid passing through and e