Answer: printed

AnswerCrossword Clue
printedMake (a mark or indentation) on a surface or in a soft substance by pressing something onto it
printedFix (something) firmly or indelibly in someone's mind
printedWrite (text) clearly without joining the letters
printedTransfer (a colored design or pattern) to a surface
printedMark (a surface, typically a textile or a garment) with a colored design or pattern
printedSend (a computer file) to a printer or to another, temporary file
printedMark or indent (the surface of a soft substance) in such a way
printed(of a newspaper or magazine) Publish (a piece of writing) within its pages
printed(of a publisher or printer) Arrange for (a book, manuscript, etc.) to be reproduced in large quantities
printedProduce (text or a picture) in such a way
printedProduce (a photographic print) from a negative
printedProduce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), esp. in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper
printedProduce a paper copy of (information stored on a computer)
printedPRINT, to produce by pressed type on a surface
PRINTEDUsed a copier
PRINTEDBegan writing
PRINTEDNot in cursive
PRINTEDEmulated Zenger
PRINTEDKind of matter
PRINTEDWrote, in a way.
PRINTEDProduced, as a photograph.
PRINTEDFixed as by pressure.
PRINTEDPracticed the art of typography.
PRINTEDMade a paper copy of
PRINTEDPut on paper
PRINTEDWorked a press
PRINTEDNot cursive