Having musical sound
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "Having musical sound"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
TONEDHaving musical sound.
TONEMusical sound
TRILLMusical sound
TRILLMusical sound.
NOTEMusical sound.
TONEMusical sound.
TOOTMusical sound.
TRAMusical sound.
PLINKMusical sound.
TINGMusical sound.
TRAMusical sound
DEMITONEMusical sound
REVERBMusical sound effect
TONALOf musical sound.
SUBTONELow musical sound.
EARMusical sound receiver
TONESMusical sound qualities
TONALPertaining to musical sound.
TONALOf musical sound quality
HARMONICSThe study of musical sound
notingmusical sound or written symbol
notersmusical sound or written symbol
notemusical sound or written symbol
notermusical sound or written symbol
notedmusical sound or written symbol
notesmusical sound or written symbol
REEDIERLess robust, as a musical sound
DUMMusical sound before and after "da"
TOOTLESound of casual playing on a musical instrument
sharpest(of musical sound) Above true or normal pitch
flattest(of musical sound) Below true or normal pitch
pluckto sound (the strings of a musical instrument)
MUTEDevice to muffle the sound of a musical instrument.
chimedto make a musical and especially a harmonious sound
bloomA full bright sound, esp. in a musical recording
bloomsA full bright sound, esp. in a musical recording
studiosA room where musical or sound recordings can be made
partialsA component of a musical sound; an overtone or harmonic
speaks(of an organ pipe or other musical instrument) Make a sound
soundtracksSOUNDTRACK, a recording of the sound (esp musical) accompaniment to a film