Orange spinel
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 24 answers to crossword clue "Orange spinel"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
BALASOrange spinel
rubicellean orange-coloured spinel
rubicellesRUBICELLE, an orange-coloured spinel
BALASRuby spinel
BALASRuby spinel.
BALASSpinel variety
GEMSSpinel and peridot
spinellea mineral, also SPINEL
balasrose-red variety of spinel
balasesrose-red variety of spinel
spinelsSPINEL, a mineral, also SPINELLE
spinellesSPINELLE, a mineral, also SPINEL
BALASA variety of ruby spinel
hercyniteblack spinel, an aluminate of iron
hercynitesHERCYNITE, black spinel, an aluminate of iron
pleonastea dark-green to black variety of spinel
pleonastesPLEONASTE, a dark-green to black variety of spinel
gahnitesdark-green to black mineral of the spinel group, zinc aluminate, ZnAl2O4
gahnitedark-green to black mineral of the spinel group, zinc aluminate, ZnAl2O4
ceylanitea mineral, pleonaste, a dark-green to black variety of spinel also CEYLONITE
ceylonitea mineral, pleonaste, a dark-green to black variety of spinel also CEYLANITE
ceylonitesCEYLONITE, a mineral, pleonaste, a dark-green to black variety of spinel also CEYLANITE
ceylanitesCEYLANITE, a mineral, pleonaste, a dark-green to black variety of spinel also CEYLONITE
magnetitea black isometric mineral of the spinel group that is an oxide of iron and an important iron ore