Answer: orach

AnswerCrossword Clue
ORACHPlant resembling spinach
orachany of various herbs (genus Atriplex) of the goosefoot family that include some (as A. hortensis) with edible leaves
orachany plant of the genus Atriplex, esp. A. hortensis, of the goosefoot family, cultivated for use like spinach
oracha cultivated plant, also ORACHE
ORACHGoosefoot herb
ORACHAsiatic herb
ORACHSpinachy plant
ORACHPlant with spinachlike leaves
ORACHLeafy plant also called mountain spinach
ORACHGoosefoot family herb
ORACHHerb resembling spinach
ORACHSpinach cousin
ORACHPlant of the goosefoot family
ORACHGoosefoot plant
ORACHMountain spinach
ORACHVegetable like spinach
ORACHEdible plant
ORACHGarden plant
ORACHMember of the goosefoot family.
ORACHMountain spinach.
ORACHGarden plant.
ORACHAsiatic herb.
ORACHSpinachlike plant.
ORACHPlant of goosefoot family.
ORACHGoosefoot plant.
ORACHSpinach-like plant
ORACHHerb like spinach
ORACHGoosefoot family plant
ORACHSpinachlike plant