in summary in short
Crossword Clue

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wordin summary; in short
TLDR"In case you have allotted no time to peruse this, I've prepared this summary," in summary
throwingPut (someone) in a particular place or state, esp. in a rough, abrupt, or summary fashion
AWORDIn ... (in short).
FINEIn ... (in short).
THOIn spite of, in short
briefin a few words; in short
kyrielleshort lines in a stanza ending in the same word
kyriellesKYRIELLE, short lines in a stanza ending in the same word
TONSThey're short in the U.S. and long in the U.K.
zititubular pasta in short pieces, similar to rigatoni, often baked in a tomato sauce
zitistubular pasta in short pieces, similar to rigatoni, often baked in a tomato sauce
lockupAn investment in assets that cannot readily be realized or sold in the short term
lockupsAn investment in assets that cannot readily be realized or sold in the short term
vulgusa short composition in Latin verse formerly common as an exercise in some English public schools
brevescurved mark over a short vowel, as in a dictionary, or over an unstressed syllable in verse
balustersA short pillar or column, typically decorative in design, in a series supporting a rail or coping
brevecurved mark over a short vowel, as in a dictionary, or over an unstressed syllable in verse
fentanylsynthetic, short-acting narcotic analgesic and sedative, C28H36N2O8, used in combination with other drugs in anesthesia and in neuroleptanalgesia
spikesA pulse of very short duration in which a rapid increase in voltage is followed by a rapid decrease
chaconneA composition in a series of varying sections in slow triple time, typically over a short repeated bass theme
foraminalopening, orifice, or short passage, as in a bone or in the integument of the ovule of a plant
foramenopening, orifice, or short passage, as in a bone or in the integument of the ovule of a plant
chaconnesA composition in a series of varying sections in slow triple time, typically over a short repeated bass theme
foraminaopening, orifice, or short passage, as in a bone or in the integument of the ovule of a plant
shoutlinea short line of text, usually printed in bold type, drawing attention to a major selling point in an advertisement
tonunit of weight, equal to 2000 pounds (short ton) in the U.S. and 2240 pounds (long ton) in Great Britain
shoutlinesSHOUTLINE, a short line of text, usually printed in bold type, drawing attention to a major selling point in an advertisement
tonsunit of weight, equal to 2000 pounds (short ton) in the U.S. and 2240 pounds (long ton) in Great Britain
johnnyshort, collarless gown that is fastened in back and is worn by hospital patients, persons being examined in a doctor's office, etc.
johnnieshort, collarless gown that is fastened in back and is worn by hospital patients, persons being examined in a doctor's office, etc.
johnniesshort, collarless gown that is fastened in back and is worn by hospital patients, persons being examined in a doctor's office, etc.
understudy(in the theater) A person who learns another's role in order to be able to act as a replacement at short notice
understudies(in the theater) A person who learns another's role in order to be able to act as a replacement at short notice
trocheesfoot of two syllables, a long followed by a short in quantitative meter, or a stressed followed by an unstressed in accentual meter
champignonsA small edible mushroom with a light brown cap, growing in short grass in both Eurasia and North America and widely grown commercially
champignonA small edible mushroom with a light brown cap, growing in short grass in both Eurasia and North America and widely grown commercially
trocheefoot of two syllables, a long followed by a short in quantitative meter, or a stressed followed by an unstressed in accentual meter
racemessimple indeterminate inflorescence in which the flowers are borne on short pedicels lying along a common axis, as in the lily of the valley
dwarfs(in folklore or fantasy literature) A member of a mythical race of short, stocky humanlike creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking