one and the other the two
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 40 answers to crossword clue "one and the other the two"
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AnswerCrossword Clue
botherone and the other; the two
bothone and the other; the two
mittensA glove with two sections, one for the thumb and the other for all four fingers
ditheismsbelief in the existence of two independent antagonistic principles, one good and the other evil, as in Zoroastrianism
ditheistbelief in the existence of two independent antagonistic principles, one good and the other evil, as in Zoroastrianism
dualistdoctrine that the universe is under the dominion of two opposing principles one of which is good and the other evil
dualismsdoctrine that the universe is under the dominion of two opposing principles one of which is good and the other evil
bracketedEstablish the range of (a target) by firing two preliminary shots, one short of the target and the other beyond it
archlutelute with two pegboxes, one for the stopped strings and the other for the bass strings, which run outside the fingerboard
randansrowboat designed for three people, one person in the middle using two oars and the other two using one oar each
randanrowboat designed for three people, one person in the middle using two oars and the other two using one oar each
bracketingEstablish the range of (a target) by firing two preliminary shots, one short of the target and the other beyond it
escribedto draw a circle outside of a triangle tangent to one side of the triangle and to the extensions of the other two sides
dipodiesgroup of two feet, esp., in accentual verse, in which one of the two accented syllables bears primary stress and the other bears secondary stress
dipodygroup of two feet, esp., in accentual verse, in which one of the two accented syllables bears primary stress and the other bears secondary stress
tropiceither of two lines of latitude, one (tropic of Cancer) 23 1/2┬░ N, and the other (tropic of Capricorn) 23 1/2┬░ S of the equator
dipodicgroup of two feet, esp., in accentual verse, in which one of the two accented syllables bears primary stress and the other bears secondary stress
colureeither of two great circles of the celestial sphere intersecting each other at the poles, one passing through both equinoxes and the other through both solstices
colureseither of two great circles of the celestial sphere intersecting each other at the poles, one passing through both equinoxes and the other through both solstices
labiatehaving the limb of a tubular corolla or calyx divided into two unequal parts projecting one over the other like lips mints and the snapdragon are labiate
pitsawa handsaw worked by two persons one of whom stands on or above the log being sawed into planks and the other below it usually in a pit
saphenaseither of two large veins near the surface of the foot, leg, and thigh, one on the inner side and the other on the outer and posterior sides
obvolutenoting or pertaining to a vernation in which two leaves are folded together in the bud so that one half of each is exterior and the other interior
saphenaeither of two large veins near the surface of the foot, leg, and thigh, one on the inner side and the other on the outer and posterior sides
tenacea combination of two high or relatively high cards (as ace and queen) of the same suit in one hand with one ranking two degrees below the other
coevolutionthe parallel evolution of two kinds of organisms that are interdependent, like flowers and their pollinators, and where any change in one will result in an adaptive response in the other
coevolutionsCOEVOLUTION, the parallel evolution of two kinds of organisms that are interdependent, like flowers and their pollinators, and where any change in one will result in an adaptive response in the other
dualisma. the doctrine that there are two independent divine beings or eternal principles, one good and the other evil b. the belief that a human being embodies two parts, as body and soul
dualista. the doctrine that there are two independent divine beings or eternal principles, one good and the other evil b. the belief that a human being embodies two parts, as body and soul
scootersA vehicle typically ridden as a recreation, consisting of a footboard mounted on two wheels and a long steering handle, propelled by resting one foot on the footboard and pushing the other against the ground
racemism(of a compound) the state of being optically inactive and separable into two other substances of the same chemical composition as the original substance, one of which is dextrorotatory and the other levorotatory, as racemic acid
bolasweapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the Indians and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals
bolaweapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the Indians and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals
bolasesweapon consisting of two or more heavy balls secured to the ends of one or more strong cords, hurled by the Indians and gauchos of southern South America to entangle the legs of cattle and other animals
precavaeither of two large veins discharging blood into the right atrium of the heart, one or(superior vena cava precava) conveying blood from the head, chest, and upper extremities and the other or(inferior vena cava postcava) conveying blood fr
postcavaeither of two large veins discharging blood into the right atrium of the heart, one or(superior vena cava precava) conveying blood from the head, chest, and upper extremities and the other or(inferior vena cava postcava) conveying blood fr
precavaeeither of two large veins discharging blood into the right atrium of the heart, one or(superior vena cava precava) conveying blood from the head, chest, and upper extremities and the other or(inferior vena cava postcava) conveying blood fr
scissorsAn instrument used for cutting cloth, paper, and other thin material, consisting of two blades laid one on top of the other and fastened in the middle so as to allow them to be opened and closed by a thumb and finger inserted through rings on the end of their handles
triangulation(in surveying) The tracing and measurement of a series or network of triangles in order to determine the distances and relative positions of points spread over a territory or region, esp. by measuring the length of one side of each triangle and deducing its angles and the length of the other two sides by observation from this baseline
heterogynousof ants, bees, etc., having two types of female, one fertile and the other infertile