used to indicate that one is cold also BRRR
Crossword Clue

  • We have found 6 answers to crossword clue "used to indicate that one is cold also BRRR"
  • The Best Answer: 10/10
AnswerCrossword Clue
brrused to indicate that one is cold, also BRRR
brrrused to indicate that one is cold, also BRR
strictlyUsed to indicate that one is applying words or rules exactly or rigidly
guessesUsed to indicate that although one thinks or supposes something, it is without any great conviction or strength of feeling
guessingUsed to indicate that although one thinks or supposes something, it is without any great conviction or strength of feeling
someing at least one used to indicate that a logical proposition is asserted only of a subclass or certain members of the class denoted by the term which it modifies